

Meditation to Relieve Stress

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I’ve been someone who used to have so much distress in their life, I was almost always overwhelmed, super busy and disconnected from myself and my inner knowing.

The first 6 months I tried breathing exercises or even just 2 minute meditations and I would feel out control. My body felt shaky and I heard a zillion thoughts at a million miles a minute in my head. When people told me back then I would learn to slow down if I stuck with it, I didn’t believe them.

I’m so grateful something in body and my soul knew differently. I just kept doing it. Working with breath work coaches, lying in bed for 30 minutes every morning and evening just trying to get my belly to fill up with air so I could breathe properly and fully. I trusted there was some benefit I couldn’t yet see on the other side of mastering this skill. And, there definitely is. It’s so worth sticking with it.

Wherever you may be on your journey, you’re right where you need to be.

I have a book on stress, if you’d like to hear more about my personal experience and the five steps that helped me transform my being, you can check out here.

For today, I’d like to offer you a meditation to help you relax, calm down the nervous system, and even allow for a more restful nights sleep.

The truth about stress is it’s made up of pressure, tension and friction. And, like everything in life there are two sides of this. 

  1. Distress. This is the kind we’re most familiar with. The stress that feels debilitating. That makes us snappy and disconnected. Our immune system, nervous system, adrenals and so much more are negatively affected here.


2. Eustress. Stress in this form are inspiring challenges that cause us to grow. We often seek out projects, relationships and exploration here. We’re willing to embrace both sides on the way to accomplish our goals and expand our being here. This builds our immunity and self-worth. We still have pressure, tension and friction here, but it’s serving us to become more in our lives.

How do you move between the two? 

Consciousness sits in the middle. Breath, Awareness and meditation allow us to increase our consciousness. In return, we’ll access a connected, more resourceful, effective and fulfilled way of being. 

Let’s Dive in!

This meditation is recommended in the evening.


Time: Ideally, 11 minutes in the evening. But even just 3 minutes will have an effect as you build your way up.

Eyes: Close your eyes. Focus in and up at the brow point.

Breath: Segmented inhales and exhales through the nose. 

Inhale: for a count of 8. So small little sips of air in through the nose.

(TIP: You may gently touch your fingertips to your thumb to help you keep count)

Exhale: Release through your nose on one long exhale 

Mudra: Hands in Gyan mudra. Index finger touching your thumb resting gently on your lap, palms up.

(This mudra relates to the root chakra also helping with depression and anxiety.) 

Throughout this meditation focus in and up at your brow point. Relax your shoulders, neck and face. Focus on receiving life and the breath. We don’t need to force the breath, it’s a gift we just to receive. On the exhale, release what’s no longer serving you.

Focus on the inhale and exhale cycle as one continuous breath the best you can.

To End:

  1. Inhale, hold the breath for 5 seconds and exhale powerfully out your nose.
  2. Inhale through your nose, hold the breath for 15 seconds as you slowly roll your shoulders in circles front and back. Exhale powerfully through the nose.
  3. Inhale through your nose, hold the breath for 15 seconds as you quickly roll your shoulders in circles front and back. Exhale powerfully through the nose.
  4. Inhale and exhale to close.
  5. Sit in stillness and notice and sensations and allow your body to integrate for a few breaths.

Enjoy the profound effects of this meditation.

If you have any comments or questions, please post below. And, if I can serve you at all or you’d like any 1:1 help, you can learn more here.

Thanks for tuning in with me. 🙂 



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My intention is to share resources, tips and meditations to help you connect to yourself, your knowing and your body.

My intention is to share resources, tips and meditations to help you connect to yourself, your knowing and your body.

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Hi, I’m Laurin, and I love guiding people to live their best lives. 

Over the last 12 years I’ve worked with thousands of people around the world helping them breakthrough whatever has been holding them back from being their most connected, inspired and fulfilled selves. I love to hold space for whatever you may be going through as we dive deep together. I’m here to meet you where you’re at and be a true part of your support system as you heal and grow in your life. As a lifelong learner of personal development and someone who loves building towards mastery across all areas of life, I incorporate and bring the world’s latest and greatest resources to you. 
