Coaching with Laurin 

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live with less stress & more success

Would you like to feel more...


How can I feel that way? How does it work? 

I help guide people so they can achieve their goals, live a more fulfilling life and continue to become more inspired and connected in their being.

I pull from dozens of different processes and modalities that I’ve been trained in. You’ll also benefit from my own personal growth process, as well as the experiences from the thousands of clients I’ve worked with all around the world.

The more we embrace our true selves and have someone hold space for us, the brighter we can shine.

Energetic Session 

values session


money expansion

meditation session

trauma clearing

Pick a session type to learn more

Or, keep scrolling to see them all!

one on one coaching

Custom life coaching

— Roger Love, celebrity voice coach

I've found Laurin to be one of the greatest, most dedicated, intelligent, fun, creative coaches that I’ve ever encountered." 

energetic session

Is it for you?

Are you having communication challenges in any of your relationships (whether it’s familial, intimate or business)? 

Are you having trouble making a decision and need some clarity? 

Do you have physical body pain that you wish would go away? 

Still can’t seem to get over a breakup or an ex? 

Are you debating if children should be in your future or having difficulty getting pregnant? 

Even if you don’t say it out loud, do you ever feel like you’re not good enough?  

Connecting to the truth of who we are, releasing emotions, beliefs that no longer serve our path and feeling empowered in ourselves leads to an energetic clearing and a new space that allows us to be connected, clear and confident in who we are. 

These sessions are healing, impactful and insightful. You’ll have some new tools you can use on your own at any time. 

I’ve personally developed these processes and combined lots of tools, meditation and energetic modalities to help myself heal from a torn meniscus to a broken wrist, heal from a break up, deal with family challenges, and this is my go-to when I want to make more money and gain clarity. 

“Thank you so much for helping bring me back to myself. I know how to be me and move forward with clarity and gratitude now.”

— Tyler

Energetic Session Investment:

10-hr package: $2,500

Details: Once you choose your package and submit payment, you’ll receive an email with a link for a few questions and then access to my calendar to book in a time. 

Book My Energetic Session Now

values session

Is it for you?

Do you have challenges making decisions? 

Do you have trouble knowing what’s most important to you? 

Are you questioning different career paths or dissatisfied in your work? 

Do you have difficulty saying no? 

Do you get distracted easily? 

Are you overwhelmed or confused by lots of business ideas or expansion opportunities? 

Our values guide all the decisions we make. Often times we have an ideal of what we believe and what we feel should be most important to us. This can cause a lot of overwhelm and confusion where we feel pulled in multiple directions.

Once we really zone in on our top values, decision making becomes easy. 

We feel more on-purpose and clear, and we experience more inspiration, creativity and fulfillment. This is how we can truly bring our unique gifts to the world. 

Personally, I’ve participated in processes to determine my values over a dozen times and while they were helpful, I still felt lost about who I was and what was truly important to me. Once I learned Dr. John DeMartini’s process, I gained clarity that drove my life forward in a new and meaningful way. I had a new filtering system that made my life a lot easier anytime a new opportunity or to-do list item showed up. I’ve since been certified in his process and love leading people to their clarity, as well. It’s especially helpful for communication in relationships (whether intimate, personal, familial or business) to know and respect each other’s top values.

"Laurin’s coaching is incredible. I’m a guy who’s used to helping other people get their clarity so even thinking I couldn’t be clear has been hard to admit. I’ve been putting a lot of effort in and not getting the results I want. The conversations with her really blow my mind.”

— Robbe

Values Session Investment:

3-Hour Package: $1,725
2 People for 3 Hours $2,500

Details: Once you choose your package and submit payment, you’ll receive an email with a link for a few questions and then access to my calendar to book in a time. 

Let’s Find My Values Now 

— dr. taz bhatia, integrative and functional medicine 

Laurin has fundamentally and profoundly changed my life."


“Laurin has fundamentally and profoundly changed my life. Before I met Laurin there was so much noise in my brain and noise in my life. I was one of those people who wanted to do everything and accomplish everything, and I wanted to do it all immediately. I didn’t have a lot of strategy or structure around it. 
Laurin came in and she helped me get clear, be in my flow and understand what was the highest priority to me. She’s helped me make amazing things happen since then. The most important thing is the people that have worked with me for years, my spouse, my friends they notice that there’s a zen about me that was never there before. Thank you Laurin, I really appreciate it. I know we’ll continue to work together for years to come.”

grief session

Is it for you?

Are you having difficulty getting over a loss?  

Do you often find yourself missing someone who has passed or is no longer present in your life? 

Do you feel that someone was taken from you too soon or unexpectedly? 

Do you feel it’s hard to move on with your life without this person? 

When we feel a loss at such a deep emotional level, we sometimes allow that to consume who we are instead of being the most inspired version of ourselves. A lot of professionals may say that grief needs to run its natural course or that while you’ll never get over a loss, you will learn to live with it. The truth is, grief is something we can move past. In fact, you’ll come to find it’s not even real at all. 

Once you learn how to process the underlying emotions and how to connect and feel the presence of your loved one, you’ll see how the “grief” will disappear. 

When we love someone, we have the capacity to feel their presence and realize nothing is actually missing. We begin to see that the form of who and how we love can shift in a way that has the ability to serve our life at a new level. Living in the past or fighting with reality causes tension, and dis-ease in the body which can lead to illnesses and physical body pain. The mind, body and spirit are connected, and it’s useful to clear out any emotions holding you back so you can be present and live fully. 

I combine meditation, Dr. John DeMartini’s Grief Process and different energetic processes to help clear anything related to loss. I’ve used this process personally when I lost my grandma and uncle. I’ve also used this to help me process the loss I felt after a breakup. 

"After all the years of therapy from losing my daughter and my mom, I never thought I’d feel hope again. Laurin’s coaching made so much common sense to me, and left me feeling closer to those that I loved. It became easier to wake up in the morning and have a restful night’s sleep knowing I still have a purpose here.”

— Julia

Grief Session Investment:

4-hour package
10-hour package

Details: Once you choose your package and submit payment, you’ll receive an email with a link for a few questions and then access to my calendar to book in a time. 

Release My Grief Now 

— Robbe Richman, Culture Blueprint and Xpill, Co-founder of Zappos Insights

Laurin’s coaching really busted through some blocks I couldn’t even see. I think that’s some of the power of her coaching. I highly recommend working with her.”

money expansion

Is it for you?

Are you dissatisfied with your bank account or your current lifestyle?

Do you know you have an opportunity to expand your business and aren’t sure what to do next?

Are you upset over a significant financial loss, investment or business deal gone bad? 

Is there a conflict around money in any of your relationships?

Money can be a really interesting topic and isn’t one we often openly discuss. There are a lot of unconscious beliefs and associations we make that prevent us from making the money we desire. We may live with tension, stress, guilt, and shame and lose our connection to our highest self when we feel this scarcity or a lack of resources around money. 

Also, many conflicts in relationships arise from differing beliefs around money, how to spend and invest it, and how much is wanted. 

After these sessions, you’ll feel clear and confident in what you’re doing and capable of earning at any level you desire without any guilt, shame, uncertainty or fear. 

“After just one meditation with Laurin, I got so clear on the type of financial abundance that I wanted to create in my life and in my practice, and the next day, I had signed new clients as proof to the change that had already been created through my transformative work with her.”

— Alexis

Money Expansion Investment:

5-hour Package

Details: Once you choose your package and submit payment, you’ll receive an email with a link for a few questions and then access to my calendar to book in a time. 

i'm ready to make more money

meditation session

Is it for you?

Do you feel uneasy or restless?

Do you experience lots of mental chatter? 

Do you have any bad habits you want to break? 

Do you want to start a meditation practice? 

Do you experience a lot of stress, anxiety or tension? 

One of my favorite tools is meditation – whether it’s a quick few minutes of breath in my car (not while driving), a quick closed eye journey for clarity or something longer. Meditation is a powerful tool to help you get into a head space to be more efficient in anything you do. It can enhance sports performance, work productivity, communication in relationships, and so much more. 

After a productive meditation, we’re naturally pulled towards what we want and have a level of focus on one thing at a time.

It’s really a tool to master our lives verses escape and avoid our lives.

From the thousands of hours I’ve spent in meditation trainings and through my personal practice, I bring a simple and easy to use approach for whatever is most relevant to you.

“Thank you so much! I am still feeling the effects as I felt like I was transported out of my mind and body. Seriously, the best journey ever!” 

— Heidi

Meditation Session Investment:

1 hr 
10-hr package

Once you choose your package and submit payment, you’ll receive an email with a link for a few questions and then access to my calendar to book in a time. 

Take Me On A Journey 

trauma clearing

Is it for you?

Is there an emotional traumatic event that’s been holding you back? 

Do you feel unworthy or unloveable because of a specific emotional event from your past? 

Do you feel depressed or anxious?

Do you have difficulty creating the types of relationships you really want? 

Regardless of when a significant experience occurred, when it’s not cleared properly, we store that information in our body and our unconscious. We continue to stimulate our sympathetic nervous system making it difficult for our body to relax. This can lead to adrenal fatigue, lack of quality sleep, headaches, depression, weight gain/loss, and even other health challenges. Holding onto trauma can limit our ability to move forward. We can often have a sense of wanting to hold back, and sometimes we recreate similar experiences.

These sessions help you uncover and let go of the trauma, stories and perceptions that may be holding you back. You’ll feel a sense of wholeness, clarity, love and gratitude for your life and what’s next. 

Whether it was sexual, physical, or emotional abuse; a natural disaster; or any significant event in your life that you still perceive to be traumatic and limiting, these sessions will help you heal at the deepest level. 

“After years of therapy that wasn’t working, I didn’t know where to turn to process everything without going on medication. In just two sessions, she helped me clear negative emotions surrounding sexual abuse with a relative that I had been holding onto for over 30 years. It also helped my relationships with my family, and my business grew as a result. She also helped me set boundaries around my dating life and get clear on the type of relationship I really want. I’m happy to say for the first time in my life, I’m enjoying my feminine, wearing dresses and finally starting to meet some amazing men.”

—  Alex

Trauma Clearing Investment:

4-hour Package 
10-Hour Package

Once you choose your package and submit payment, you’ll receive an email with a link for a few questions and then access to my calendar to book in a time. 

i'm ready to be free

— Alexis Artin

The investment in coaching is best made when you work with someone that can actually get you results - people that have the knowledge, the information, the foundation, the resources, and Laurin has it all. She is the complete package."

Something else you’d like to clear. strategize or want a combo pack?

 custom life-coaching packages


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about Laurin

Other ways to work with Laurin


Work with Laurin to clear out emotional, physical, mental and spiritual patterns in all areas of your life. Feel energized, fueled and inspired. 

yoga with laurin

vip day

Jump start your journey by spending a full day with me! We'll dive into any and all aspects of your life to create clarity and fast track you to living a more fulfilled and inspired life.

start your journey

online course

Take the Empowered Living Online Course -  Goal Setting and Living Your Most Inspired Life! You’ll gain clarity on your goals across each area of your life and create a plan on how to get there.

take the course


Bring Laurin to your event to teach a custom workshop tailored to your needs-anything relating to reducing stress and tools to live as an even more connected and inspired being. 

book for your event